

Dog Diarrhea – Causes and Treatments

Why does my dog have diarrhea? Dog diarrhea is caused for numerous reasons including stress. Common stressful situations that can trigger gastrointestinal (GI) upset in a dog include adoption, boarding, separation anxiety from their owner, changes in the household or environment and introduction of a new pet or family member. Another frequent cause of diarrhea […]

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Dog Nutrition Basics – Essential Nutrients

To maintain canine nutritional health, dogs need the right amounts and proportions of nutrients from six different groups: vitamins and minerals, water, protein, fat and carbohydrates. Commercial dog foods that claim to be 100 percent complete and balanced contain all these required nutrients, except for water.  Essential Nutrients in Dog Food Water Water is essential […]

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Sources of Dietary Fiber for Dogs

I’ve heard a lot about hip dysplasia. What is it? Perhaps the awareness of the benefits of fiber in human diets has prompted pet owners to ask about its benefits in pet foods. Once described as “filler” or “bulk,” fiber has gained recognition for the beneficial effect it has on the gastrointestinal system. Fiber is […]

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